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Self Defense Practice

Our Team

Helping Students Grow

Lashley Self Defense Tactics would have not be the same without our team of passionate, professional and dedicated teachers. We’re extremely proud to share some of their stories with you, and if you have any questions or remarks - get in touch.

Team: Team

David Lashley


David Lashley


Director of Security Common Pleas Court Bailiff Court Officer 20+yrs 

Private security for entertainment and various businesses establishments 

Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy Bailiff Certification

South West Bailiff Academy Certificate,

The Global Society of Homeland & National Security Professionals & FOP member 

Ohio Bailiff and Court Officer Association member

(AVERT) Active Violence Emergency

 Response Training Instructor 
Black belts in the following:

- Brazilian JiuJitsu 
-Shingitai JuJitsu  

-Ko Sutemi Karate 
-Sei Kan Jujitsu 
- Ishizue Karate 

- Combat JuJitsu 

-Extreme Krav Maga 

- Extreme Close Quarters Combat 

- Krav Maga Ground Combatives

-Defensive Tactics Instructor Certificate (O.P.O.T.A)
- Gracie Survival Tactics Instructor Certification(L1)


- Forsvar Aggressive Defense System Instructor 
-D.T Tactics (Haganah Krav 4))

-Foundation Krav Maga instructor(L1)

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Ian Lashley


Owner Lashley Training Center 

Black belts brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Ishizue Karate

Combat Jujitsu

Krav Maga
Amateur mma fighter

Bjj competitor 

Karate kumite competitor  

Interested in learning more about our team? Reach out today!

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